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Planning Board Minutes 09/28/2015
September 28, 2015

Members attending: KO’Connell, PRenaud, KPaulsen, AWood
Audience member:  KCarpenter,

7:15 P.M. Meeting Opened
PRenaud began reading the September 14, 2015 meeting minutes. No substantive changes were made.  A few minor spelling and letter changes were done.  PRenaud motioned to accept the minutes as amended.  KPaulsen seconded the motion.  Vote unanimous in favor.

7:20 General Discussion
KO’Connell received information from SBuckley, ESQ, LGC in response to his questions.
1. Can a grandfathered use be transferred to new owners?  
2.  Would this be considered the same use?
SBuckley’s response via an e-mail:  The owner has the right to transfer by deed all vested rights that attach to the property. As to converting the use, the ZBA must supply the answer.  He asked KCarpenter to speak to the Board.
KCarpenter handed out copies of a grant that the new owners may pursue. The definition of B&B by the grant info is transient accommodations.  She feels she should go for a change of use.  How should they proceed?  Should they apply for a change of use and would they have to get a variance. Does ‘Change of use’ appear in the site plan review?    If there is no change of ownership, then the B & B stays running.  But if there is a change of ownership, change of use, and this fails, then it may revert to the B&B possibly?  
KCarpenter feels they should proceed to apply for a variance to do a ‘change of use’ from the Board of Adjustment and to apply for a site plan review from the Planning Board, but which should be done first or can there be a joint meeting?  After a discussion, with no one really remembering any joint meetings in the past, she was advised to apply separately for each Board.  She will do research on the variance. She also was advised that the current owners could start the variance process, but the parties involved in the transitional house should probably start the process.  She will advise all parties of this.

8:02 p.m.  Other Business.  
PRenaud said with the practice of giving opinions to the Board of Adjustment I would like to get a legal opinion.   Whatever I get for answer, may impact the rules and procedures that we have in place now.   KO’Connell requested that this question e written in an e-mail to LGC to maintain evidence.
KO’Connell also commented that the Planning Board not look at the specifics of a request for a variance, but look at the town’s overall goal for the town.  

8:08 Adjournment
PRenaud motioned to adjourn.  AWood seconded.  Vote unanimous in favor.